📢 Warmer Weather Reminder: Dress Code Guidelines ☀️
As we transition into warmer weather, we want to remind students and parents about our Nashville Junior High School dress code.
✔️ Key Dress Code Guidelines:
✔️ Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length or longer (including slits).
✔️ No revealing clothing, including exposed midriffs, backs, chests, or undergarments.
✔️ Off-the-shoulder shirts, spaghetti straps, and tank tops are not allowed. Straps must be at least two inches wide and sleeveless shirts must fit snugly under the arm. (‘Cold shoulder’ shirts are permitted.)
✔️ No clothing with inappropriate language, images, or references to drugs, alcohol, or violence.
✔️ No hats, hoods, sunglasses, blankets, pajamas, or wheeled shoes inside the building.
We appreciate your support in ensuring our students are dressed for success! If you have any questions, please refer to the student handbook or contact the school office.

We are taking ATLAS Interims this week. Please charge your Chromebooks!

7th grade girls' track meet is at Prescott (changed from schedule) tomorrow starting at 3:30. 7th grade boys are at Ashdown.

Pep Rally tomorrow - USA Theme! Let's go Scrappers! Beat those Bulldogs!

Reminder: No school tomorrow due to staff having professional development. See you Tuesday!

Due to driver shortage, the scorpion bus (carrying JH and HS students)will dismiss at 2:15 today. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. Have a good weekend.

Parents, starting Friday, there will no longer be a Bear bus due to a shortage in drivers. Primary and Elementary will ride the Frog bus and Jr.High and High School will ride the Snail bus. They will run at the same time and same places.

More from the Farmer's Market!!

More from the Farmer's Market!!

Mrs. Reed's Class went to the Farmer's Market today!!

Lots of learning going in in English Language Arts class today!!

Scrap media!!

Mrs. Reed's class has been very busy lately!

Progress Reports will go home tomorrow!! (Friday) We are also sending home a letter that gives instructions and codes for logging in to the RCA Points app. Please let us know if you have any questions about app setup! Have a great day!!

Don't forget! Tomorrow is Picture Day!! 😁 Bring your best smile!!

Don't forget to send registration packets back to the JH Office! 😁

7th and 8th graders may pick up schedules and chromebooks Wednesday. 9th graders need to have schedules and chromebooks picked up and any schedule change requests made by Wednesday.

Report Card info!!

Pafford EMS came by today to recognize our Ashton with the Howard County Life Saver Award!! Madi Gray and Nikki Moore brought him the award, a goodie bag, AND the offer to pay for EMS classes if he chooses that career path in the future. 💙

We have a local hero at NJHS!! Last week, a student began choking on a water bottle top, and Ashton Porter sprang into action. Without any hesitation, he preformed the Heimlich Maneuver to save his friend from choking! Students quickly called for Nurse Shelby who ensured everyone was ok. When asked how he learned how to do this, Ashton said he saw it on a video!
Thank you, Ashton, for being a hero and for being brave enough to step up to help someone in need!! We are so proud of you!!