Food Services Department

Welcome to the Nashville School District's Food Services Page.
Free/Reduced Meals
To apply for free and reduced price school meals please complete this online form.
Online Payments
Make Payments to your child's meal account online! The student ID number will be needed to set up an account. This is where parents can add money for Ala Cart or extra items or view the students account.
Child Nutrition
The Nashville Schools Child Nutrition Program provides hot nutritious meals to students, staff and parents on a daily basis. These meals are designed for students based on USDA guidelines and are consistent with the dietary guidelines for Americans.
USDA provides menu planning guidelines including a meal pattern for the school lunch and breakfast programs.
School meal prices are as follows:
Breakfast Paid Student ------------------ Free
Breakfast Reduced Student ------------ Free
Breakfast Adult ------------------------------ $2.70
Lunch Paid Student -- --------------------- Free
Lunch Reduced Student ----------------- Free
Lunch Adult ----------------------------------- $4.75
Ala Carte prices will be increased this school year due to higher food costs.
Food Allergy
If your child has a food allergy, please have your physician fill out the dietary form provided at registration and return to the school. These forms are required to be completed yearly on any child who may need an alternate meal. A dietary form my be printed by clicking here.
The Nashville School District’s Wellness Committee meets at least 3 times per school year. The committee develops, reviews, updates, and implements the local school wellness policy as mandated by the Arkansas Department of Education.
We invite our school and community stakeholders to participate in the annual development of the wellness policy. Anyone interested in becoming a committee member should contact Rick Rebsamen, NES Assistant Principal and NSD Wellness Committee Chairman.
Rick Rebsamen
Email Rick Rebsamen
Wellness Committee Requirements Checklist – Implementation and Compliance – 2017
NSD Health and Wellness District Assessment – ACSIP/Indistar
If you have questions please call Julie Smith, Food Service Director, 870.845.3425.
We look forward to serving all students, parents, and staff!